This is my thought process about 5 days a week.

Ace Ventura.OH. MY. GOSH. Future kid's Halloween costume whether they like it or not.

Don't crash the party, be the party.

Ecard funny. Check out my FB page: Today's Mood: Bitchy with a Chance of Sarcasm

Pumpkin Stencil - Sugar Skull - Carving, Crafts - Downloadable. $2.00, via Etsy.

I Need A Hug Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter

Funny Animal Pictures Of The Day 24 Pics

9 Epic Halloween Costume Fails You Must See To Believe

LOLOL this is so me... since I was a kid trying to runaway "for 10 whole mins" all the time

dalmation pup

essential oils to calm cats

23 Of The Funniest Things Tumblr's Ever Said About SpongeBob SquarePants

Is Ahmed Mohammed a Fraud Or Terrorist #AhmedMohammed #clockbomb #terrorist #ThomasTalbot

Funny Old People | Funny Old People Jokes

This site has lots of inexpensive furniture. Literally the sofa in this picture is under $400!

They make these for babies, but your cat should have one, too, obvs. | 23 Insanely Clever Products Every Cat Owner Will Want

lmfao and I thought I was the only one who thought she was a horrible choice for the commercial.

wanna know what a womans mind feels like

Perfect description of the big three! Haha, I love that Supernatural's Hades because you're literally in hell half the, literally, that's the show.

Malificent | 28 Minimalist Posters For Your Disney-Themed Nursery

This website has so many funny and relatable posts! This is true with me.

Such the I know you know, but I'm pretending I don't know look from your dog :-)

Awwwwww it's so cute!!! guys..i was reading this in class and went the wrong time....we were talking about how this guy died in our .

Adventure Time


this made me laugh way more than it should...

Like MacGyver..

i heard you're a player. nice to meet you, i'm the coach.

1. This is funny and 2. This is outside one of my favorite restaurants and I recognized it!

I seriously doubt anyone would wear these fashion faux pas-and if they did, I would laugh.