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This is me. Rooted Deeply in the earth, Always reaching into the heavens. My gift comes from heaven & earth equally. I am connected, I am balanced, I am powerful, I AM.

Dresses 2015 you will love it

Le point d’acupression Joining the Valley (Hoku LI 4) est réputé pour se débarrasser des maux de tête. Il aide aussi à soulager les maux de dents, les douleurs au cou, à l’épaule, l’arthrite, la co

Great beginning of the year book! Always loved doing this one with my fifth graders... might work in first grade too

Colorful roses

Good Friends/Bad Friends Chart - the healing path with children

19 High Demand Solutions for Earning $1,000 per Month from Home

Wine cabinet from an old dresser--not that I ever have that much wine in the house at one time....usually only one or two bottles!

Class all the way! Agents of SHIELD. These guys are gonna save the world? (Loving this show)

PRM-1 Pack by www.SpecOps.PL

the sling diaries: all the love // tiffany on strength

Interesting idea.This lady sleeps her babies in a laundry basket until they are too big. What a great idea! You can move em anywhere and they still feel like they're in their bed!!! now why didnt i think of that

Vintage mermaid pinup

suspension aérienne Kuu Lamp Encontrado en

When your thin and young you can wear ANYTHING and look fab!

1939 New Map Baby Estimate:$15,000-$25,000 US

swaddle blanket Organic baby blanket in mint and gold chevrons by LolaandStella


Janis Joplin was meant to rock the rock face #rockface #janisjoplin #singer

Cowgirl silhouette - cowgirl with her horse and dog. Need to add Casey and these could be engagement photos. (When it's time for that. (: )

How to Take in a Jeans Waist by @glitterandwit

Kid Style . Fashion . EnVogue | "Kids Fashion Photography by Stefano Azario #photography #kids"

Tribal Wrist Tattoos for Women | wrist tattoo idea 40 Awesome Tattoos You Should Check Today

Cheer Bow White 3in w/ The higher the hair by MommyandMeGoodies, $10.00

"The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it." Henry David Thoreau #quote #thoreau

I will never think the Winter Soldier is a villian. He is a victim that had his memories, choices, and life taken away by Hydra. He is broken and empty but inside he is a good man that is forced to do bad things.

This look is both casual and lady like at the same time. I have a black skirt that's very similar to this and nude pumps of course. That grey T is something I would have to acquire though :)

Basic Contour Makeup Tutorial Check out the website, some girl tried a new diet and tracked her results